KUANTAN | Mana-mana majikan di negara ini tidak boleh memotong gaji pekerja sewenang-wenangnya tanpa kebenaran daripada Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM).

Pengarah Bahagian Standard Perburuhan JTKSM, Mohd Asri Abdul Wahab berkata ini dilakukan bagi mengelakkan penipuan melainkan mendapat persetujuan pekerja.

“Kesan akibat pemotongan gaji pekerja amat besar.

“Kita juga akan mempertimbangkan permohonan majikan. Kita mempunyai falsafah untuk membenarkan sebarang pemotongan gaji perlu memberi manfaat kepada pekerja,” katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas merasmikan Program Pendidikan Perburuhan Peringkat Negeri Pahang di Dewan Dato Bahaman, Wisma Perkeso, di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir sama, Pengarah Bahagian Pekerja Asing JTKSM, Wan Ismail Wan Ibrahim.

Menurutnya sebagai contoh, kalau pemandu lori membawa muatan lebih semestinya arahan dari majikan. Jika pemandu melanggar lampu merah yang itu memang kesalahan pemandu dan dia boleh dikenakan pemotongan gaji tetapi dapatkan kebenaran dari kita dahulu,” katanya.


IR Act 1967 (Amendments) 2019

There have been calls to amend the Employment Act 1955 for some time now, and after initially posting the proposed amendments for public engagement on the website of the Ministry of Human Resources, the government is now taking steps to table the proposed amendments to this legislation in Parliament. One of the many proposals is to increase maternity leave and to introduce paternity leave. But that is not the only proposal. Suffice to say, the proposed amendments, if passed in Parliament, potentially could revolutionize the employment landscape of Malaysia. Additionally, we finally have clarity on the changes that the government has made to the Industrial Relations Act, as the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2019 was passed on 9 October 2019. One of the key changes is the seemingly automatic referral of matters to the Industrial Court (no discretion involved)- this may potentially result in the floodgates of industrial litigation being opened as all unsettled complaints of unfair dismissal, regardless of merits, will end up in the Industrial Court. Employers are rightfully concerned that the amendments do nothing to prevent frivolous complaints from being filed.On top of that, with Budget 2020 having just been announced, what are the employment and HR issues to look out for come year 2020 & 2021 respectively specifically on the New Minimum Wage, Extended Maternity Leave and the Increased Scope of the Employment Act 1955?This public program will address these concerns, the proposed amendments to the Employment Act, and the key changes made by the amending Act.Download our official eFlyers here:1) Updates on the amendments to the IRA 1967 and Proposed Amendments to the EA 1955: The Present vs The FutureLink: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KtzkTjumUzalbf8BHlU6GhYnnux4AJ6X2) Implications of Employment Laws changes to HR and PayrollLink: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1f6zdGaLaKBHHrYw6VOSz_aeYsx9P0ljr

Posted by MyFreelys Academy on Wednesday, 16 October 2019


Mohd Asri berkata, pemotongan gaji oleh majikan telah ditetapkan tidak boleh melebihi melebihi 50 peratus dari gaji pekerja melainkan pinjaman rumah yang disyaratkan juga tidak boleh melebihi 75 peratus.

“Kita kawal perkara ini takut ada pekerja yang melakukan pemotongan keseluruhan gaji mereka itu tidak boleh dilakukan sama sekali.

“Kalau penjawat awam bukan sahaja pekerja yang akan dikenakan tatatertib malah ketua mereka juga akan diambil tindakan kenapa membenarkan kesemua gaji pekerja digunakan untuk membayar hutang,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Mohd Asri berkata Program Pendidikan Perburuhan memberi penerangan kepada majikan pelbagai sektor untuk memahami akta-akta yang dikuatkuasakan oleh JTKSM.

“Pahang merupakan lokasi pertama program pada setiap minggu di 13 negeri dan akan berakhir di Labuan pada bulan Oktober nanti,” katanya


