Thousands of HRD Corporation trainers and training providers will be relieved with the announcement that all their training claims would be paid within seven days beginning from 1st April.

At a recent HRDC Bootcamp, its Chief Executive (CE) Datuk Shahul Dawood said shortening the period was to improve the company’s payment disbursement process, which would mean HRDC staff would have to work doubly faster.

HRDC, or the Human Resource Development Corporation, is a government agency in Malaysia that aims to develop human capital in the country. The agency provides various training programmes, financial assistance, and job placements to Malaysians. One of its core services is providing financial assistance to students, job seekers, and employers.

Datuk Shahul, the Chief Executive of HRDC since 2019, said that the new payment disbursement plan is part of the agency’s efforts to improve its service delivery to its clients. The plan will also help HRDC achieve its mission of developing and upskilling human capital in Malaysia.

The current payment disbursement process at HRDC takes up to 14 days. Datuk Shahul believes that the current approach is too long and can cause financial difficulties for some of HRDC’s trainers and training providers. “With the new plan, HRDC aims to reduce the payment disbursement period by half to seven days. This would enable HRDC’s clients to receive their financial assistance more timely and efficiently.”

According to Datuk Shahul, HRDC has already taken steps to implement the new payment disbursement plan. The agency is streamlining its internal processes, improving its payment systems, and enhancing its communication with clients to ensure the project is successful.